Welcome to my west coast classroom! I am located on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. Vancouver Island boasts many spots for outdoor recreation while enjoying the beautiful views the island has to offer. I consider myself very lucky to live here surrounded by grand evergreens, mountains, and the rolling ocean.
I have been teaching for almost 10 years. For the last 7 years, I have taught Kindergarten or a K/1 split. Having been so fortunate to teach the same grade, I feel that I am now able to expand my horizons and am willing to try new things with my students. This year, I am starting a forest exploration period. Unfortunately, my school does not have much to offer in terms of the natural environment. This means that my students and I will be travelling to a small forested area nearby to discover what it has to offer. While I grew up near a small mountain where I spent many spring, summer, fall, and winter days roaming the mountain, many children do not get to explore these areas frequently. My goal is for us to visit the forest once a week and document our experiences there. We will be documenting using everyday common technology such as: pencils, chalk, paper, paint, and scissors and we will also document through videos and photography.
Through this one weekly adventure, the students will meet a variety of learning outcomes in math, science, social studies, health, and social responsibility while incorporating first peoples principles of learning. I am very excited take time and notice the changes in the forest as we reflect on our own changes over the next school year.
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